Check out our adventures and what we learned on them

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Myanmar photos

And those are just a fraction of the photos, go to the link below for more:


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

First time getting high

So while in Myanmar we had to do a service aspect, in this trip one of those service activities was painting a local school. We arrived at the school and were given instructions on how to paint. We put on mask that were bought locally (and they weren't very good quality) were given the paint and started painitning away. 10 minutes later I started feeling a little funny, my hands started tingling i started dazing off and everything was extremely funny. For the nextr solid hour I was laughing a literally everyhting and it was uncontrollable. I couldn't keep my balance and all my fellow classmates were high of the inhalent too so that didn't help. After an hour of painting I head a hughe headache and started throwing up. I only remember fragments of the event.

Interim 2018 | Myanmar

Monday, October 23, 2017

Hello! We are the McClain family and this blog is the way that we document all of our incredible adventures. In 2016 we moved to Singapore and ever since then, we've gone on various adventures. We've gone to Thailand, Vietnam, South Africa, Cambodia, and more are coming. This blog was made to share these experiences with others so they can know how other countries really are.